Protecting Yourself From the Ugliness of the World

Our schedule is up!

Quote Of The Week

“How you do anything is how you do everything” - Coach Robe

Newsletter Of The Week

Welcome back,

We apologize for the delay in sending out yesterday's newsletter, but we are now back on track!

We live in a world that is often unpleasant and corrupt. The actions and issues that we tolerate and remain silent about today are things that people in the past would have strongly opposed. However, I do believe that the world has always had some form of ugliness; it is just more visible and harder to ignore today. I think most people can agree with this perspective.

Many individuals have concerns and take steps to protect their moral values by imposing certain restrictions on their lives to avoid some of this corruption.

For example, they may choose not to watch certain television channels or avoid certain environments, public places, or specific crowds. As morally conscious individuals, it is crucial that we have limited and "blocked" many of the things that the world openly offers.

Today, I will discuss one effective and powerful way that modern humans can strive to distance themselves from the negativity in the world. We must acknowledge that each day, we expose ourselves to the corrupt aspects of the world when we venture out into it. Most of us cannot confine ourselves to our homes, as we have responsibilities to provide for our families and fulfill our financial obligations. We have to leave our homes and engage in the workforce or handle various responsibilities and errands outside the safety of our homes.

So, what can we do to safeguard our moral compass and resist the temptations of the corrupt world that we cannot completely separate ourselves from?

-Coach Blake

Tip Of The Week

Wake up earlier to find a moment of silence and prayer in the morning. Do your best to ensure that this moment lasts long enough for your mind to settle and focus entirely on God and the Church's calendar. This may involve reading a short passage about the day and its intention.

“The U“ Updates

The U will be having a soft opening towards the end of this week. We will announce the specific day on social media, so make sure to stay updated. Additionally, our website and app will be accessible. This week, we will also be accepting pre-orders for our UGloves, so if you're interested, be sure to place an order. And don't forget, our grand opening is on May 27th!

30 spots for $30, get a chance to win an UGlove at the auction during our Grand Opening, are now available. Be the first to reserve your spot!

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