I-10 Slam HomeRun derby

It was a great Grand Opening; now it’s time to work!

Quote Of The Week

"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does."

— Nelson Mandela

Newsletter Of The Week

Hey everyone!!

We are so happy to be back!

It’s been a long 2 weeks working hard to get The U ready for you! so we apologize for not uploading any newsletter.

So today’s Newsletter is dedicated to a project we been working on and we happy to take part of so Join Us for the I-10 SLAM: A Home Run Derby to Fight Human Trafficking

We are thrilled to announce the I-10 SLAM, a Home Run Derby event in Southern Louisiana dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking. This event will unite the athletic prowess of The U, a premier facility in Kinder, LA, with the heartfelt mission of One's Purpose, a nonprofit organization committed to shining a light on sex trafficking and supporting survivors. Together, we stand with the motto: "Baseball Unites to Slam the Door on Human Trafficking."

Event Details: To be followed

- Location: To be followed 

- Date: To be followed

- Time: To be followed 

About One's Purpose:

One's Purpose is dedicated to raising awareness about sex trafficking, educating communities, and supporting survivors through mentorship and reintegration. We empower survivors to reclaim their strength and live victoriously. https://www.onespurpose.org/ 

About The U:

Located in Kinder, Louisiana, The U is committed to enhancing athletic performance and longevity through elite sports-specific training. We believe in the power of sports to transform lives and build strong, enduring athletes. https://www.theudevelopment.com/

Why This Matters:

Human trafficking is a pervasive issue that affects countless lives. By combining the excitement of baseball with the vital cause of combating human trafficking, we aim to educate and mobilize our community. Through events like the I-10 SLAM, we can raise crucial awareness and funds to support survivors and prevent future trafficking.

Get Involved:

We need your support! We are currently seeking sponsors and volunteers to help make this event a success. Your involvement can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by human trafficking.

How You Can Help:

- Sponsor: Provide financial or in-kind support for the event.

- Volunteer: Lend your time and skills to assist with event logistics.

- Spread the Word: Share this newsletter and information about the I-10 SLAM with your networks.

Stay Updated:

Interested in staying informed about the event? Please fill out [this form](#) to receive updates and more information.

Together, we can hit it out of the park and make a lasting impact.

Thank you for your support,

~Neggeste Trahan CEO

Tip Of The Week

Harness the Power of Community

Join us at the I-10 SLAM and witness how sports can unite us in the fight against human trafficking. By participating, you’re not just showcasing athletic talent—you’re raising awareness and supporting a critical cause. Remember, every swing and every cheer helps spread the message and drive change. Let's hit a home run for humanity!

“The U“ Updates

We are excited to share this week’s updates from The U!

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended our grand opening. We are overwhelmed by the love and support from our community. As we embark on this journey, we are committed to providing the highest level of service and support.

This week marks our first official week operating at full capacity. We invite you to sign up for our classes, private lessons, and cage rentals. Our dedicated team is here to ensure you have the best experience possible.

We are also excited to announce that our website is now live. Visit us online to explore our offerings and stay updated on all things The U. If you have any questions or need assistance with the app, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help! . https://www.theudevelopment.com/

~The U LLC

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