Communication is Key

The Roots of Good Communication

Quote Of The Week

 “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.”

Newsletter Of The Week


Over the next few weeks, I will discuss the core values of The U Developmental Facility. Almost all, if not every successful business works to implement certain core values within their personal performance, employees, leadership, as well as clients. One of the core values of The U is COMMUNICATION. Communication was listed first on the list of our five core values. There was a reason for this.

  • Good communication can solve a lot of problems in businesses, marriages, and other relationships.

  • Communication is often hard to do clearly and consistently.

  • Good leaders have figured out how to be good communicators.

Many of us know the importance of communication, but many of us still fail to communicate perfectly. In just 3 weeks here at The U, we have struggled with this and have begun implementing a system based approach to communicate. We did not expect it to be a perfect start because there were so many unknowns. We are working hard to stay on top of the problems as they arise. Good communication by our leaders and employees is a must right now to make sure the kinks within our business get worked out urgently.

Why is Communication so hard?

Communication is something that never sleeps or at least we should never let it. Once we let communication sleep, our daily lives and operations tend to develop problems and hiccups rather quickly. Communication is something we all struggle to do and must stay on top of.

How can we make communication easier?

There may be many reasons why we fail at communicating, but one that seems to jump out at me personally is pride. Many times pride can be the blocker of communicating something properly. Pride blocks us from seeing another person’s perspective or understanding another individual at all. Pride can be the reason we subconsciously fail to acknowledge that someone even needs to be communicated with. Leaving someone in the dark about an issue or situation could say that you do not feel like they are important enough to include in the conversation. Good communicators are able to place themselves in others perspectives in which they are communicating. This allows for more consistent communication and also clarity of what's being communicated. People who are trying to communicate, but lack the ability or care to communicate clearly are failing to use their words in a way that the receiver may understand. This is almost as bad as not communicating at all. Communication is not about saying what we think, but about ensuring others hear what we mean.

Leaders pay close attention to their communication and employees.

There are a million ways to communicate and good leaders do their best to learn them all. They also distinctly study their employees, students, and team members and figure out the ways that they communicate. There are a million books that discuss leadership. I'm willing to bet almost all have a chapter about communication. 

Tip Of The Week: Be mindful of your communication this week. Pay close attention of what you subconsciously retain instead of talk about with your loved one, employees, and team! Attack issues with communication!

“The U“ Updates

This week will be the first week of The U’s Rodeo Athlete class. Please spread the word and help us get to those who may interested in training like an athlete to prepare themselves for rodeo!


or to participate.