The challenge in winning

The U opening date is...

The U is working hard to create systems and programs that keen in on the details. We are on a mission to create elite performers! 💪🏼

The U is looking to have a grand opening on May 27, 2024. This will be a Monday (Memorial Day). Times and more information will be released soon!

hey Friends,

Good players and good teams learn when they lose!

It is obvious that something went wrong after a loss. Losing is an obvious and great opportunity to look ourselves in the mirror and figure out what adjustments need to made. Good players do this. Good teams do this.

But…how do you become a great player? Or a great team?

The great players and great teams don’t forget to learn when they win. Many times a successful game can cause a team or player to move forward without asking themselves, “what could we have done better, and how are we going to get better from now until the next performance?”

Choosing to only use your losses and failures to grow can be detrimental. Eventually this type of attitude turns into complacency and the only way to get better is to get punched by a loss. This type of attitude eventually leads to a weakness getting exposed! We just hope it’s not at the most important times, but it usually is.

Great players and great teams do their very best to avoid exposed because they are constantly exposing themselves by paying close attention to detail. This is what leads them to dissecting not only their losses but also their wins. Just because a “W” is put in the win column doesn’t mean we did everything right. Great players and great teams fight complacency with detail! Paying attention and figuring out how to correct even the smallest miscues in overall victories are habits of the elite performers! Great players and great teams strive for perfection because perfection is the standard. Not the win!

The Power is in Perfection! 

see you next Monday,

Thank you Friends!

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